Micronet Work Management WordPress Theme


Micronet is a Work management platform. It helps you to plan your work, efficiently and improve your productivity.

  • Included:Quality checked by FastSSL
  • Included:Future updates
  • Included:6 months support from developer



micronet introduction

features 1 technologies used

Try it here. :

Site     : https://micronet.work/playground/app
Login    : manager
Password : m@n@ger

micronet major features

KanBan Boards

Define various stages of Tasks.

Micronet Work Management WordPress Theme - 1

Task Lists

View tasks in Lists, custom sort and custom fields

Salient Features :
Project management

  1. Create unlimited projects
  2. Assign members or invite members into the project
  3. c. Track all activity that happens in the project
  4. Add Project notices and notify members
  5. Set Project statuses, add custom project statuses
  6. Set capabilities who can create project, complete project, delete project.
  7. Project progress based on tasks / milestones / time
  8. Custom Project fields
  9. Grid and List view with selectable fields.
  10. Project start and end dates
  11. Integration with Drive, Discussion, Knowledge Base
  12. Gantt Charts with Project milestones & dependencies
  13. Project reports, Task reports

Task management

  1. Create unlimited Kanban Boards per project.
  2. Gantt Charts for Task planning.
  3. Task Lists sortable by property
  4. Task Calendar
  5. Create unlimited Tasks
  6. Custom Task statuses
  7. Custom Task fields
  8. Capabilities , who can create tasks & watch tasks.
  9. Task dates, labels, lists,members, activity, comments, attachments and Checklists.
  10. Filter Tasks by title,date,members,status,labels etc.
  11. See Task statistics.

Task Filters Micronet Work Management WordPress Theme - 2

Board Stats Micronet Work Management WordPress Theme - 3

Task Calendar Micronet Work Management WordPress Theme - 4 Member management

  1. Create Client Portals
  2. Categorise members into member types
  3. Create unlimited member teams.
  4. Track time spent by users on tasks
  5. Track user activity inside projects


    1. Project automations
    2. Task automations
    3. Bulk Actions perform on cards.

Micronet Work Management WordPress Theme - 5

Micronet Work Management WordPress Theme - 6


      1. Reports
      2. Project reports.
      3. Task reports.
      4. Member reports.

Micronet Work Management WordPress Theme - 7Extensions :

      1. AI Project Manager [coming up]
      2. Time Tracking
      3. Invoice Generation
      4. Work Load Tracking

WordPress Integrations

      1. WooCommerce
      2. BBPress
      3. Knowledge Base
      4. Zoom / BBB / Jitsi

External Integrations

      1. WhatsApp Notifications
      2. Slack Notifications
      3. GitHub triggers
      4. Zapier Connect
      5. PabblyConnect
      6. Mailchimp / SendGrid / Aweber

GDPR complaint Micronet is a 100% GDPR compliant product

Gutenberg Optimized Yes
High Resolution Yes
Widget Ready Yes
Compatible Browsers Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Compatible With bbPress 2.6.x, Block Editor, BuddyPress 10.x.x, Easy Digital Downloads, Elementor, Visual Composer, WooCommerce 7.x.x, WPML, ReactJS
Software Version WordPress 6.1.x
Files Included PHP Files, HTML Files, CSS Files, SCSS Files, JS Files
Columns 4+
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Responsive